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Technology Centre Mongstad

Private#<Employee::ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy:0x00007f20aaa35dc8> employees






Integrated Oil & Gas


Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) was founded in 2012 and is known as the world's largest and most flexible test facility for carbon capture technologies.

Their expertise lies in energy, climate, and technology, making them a vital part of the carbon capture and storage (CCS) route to market. TCM's main focus is on testing and improving carbon capture technology in the final stage before full-scale operation.
They aim to reduce the cost and risks of carbon capture technology deployment by providing a platform for vendors to test, verify, and demonstrate their proprietary CO2 capture technologies.

TCM aspires to be the preferred verification partner for carbon capture technologies globally.

Some key facts about TCM include their post-combustion capture type, two existing units designed to test different solvent-based technologies, a capacity of approximately 12 MWe each, and ownership by Gassnova, Statoil, Total, and Shell. Additionally, TCM offers available areas and utilities to plug in and test mobile test units.

Corporate Stage


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