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Carbon-Ion Announces Reg D 506(c) Offering

Published by Todd Bush on July 7, 2022

July 07, 2022 06:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Carbon-Ion Energy, Inc. (Carbon-Ion or C-Ion), a leader in advanced research and development of next-generation power storage and delivery, today announced that it has launched an equity fundraising campaign under the Regulation D 506(c) exemption. The offering is only open to accredited investors here.

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Carbon-Ion was founded to develop and bring to market the groundbreaking technology initially developed by ZapGo Ltd. With over 100 patents either issued or pending, Carbon-Ion Energy and its subsidiary Oxcion Ltd will engage in the continuous expansion of its intellectual property portfolio, working towards a product that will be a key enabler of delivery and storage solutions.

C-Ion’s products will offer sustainable power on demand from existing power grids to support the additional power needs from EVs, aviation, heavy transportation, warehouse robotics, as well as enhanced management of electrical grids themselves.

Andrew Sispoidis, Carbon-Ion’s CEO, notes, “With the climate crisis reaching critical levels from the American West to the Indian subcontinent and beyond, technologies that enable renewable energy sources to smooth natural sun and weather cycles via energy storage and power on demand are becoming increasingly necessary. With a Reg D 506(c) raise any accredited investor interested in a fossil fuel-free future can be part of this game-changing work. We are excited to build a product that can deliver much more robust power storage and delivery solutions required for a livable planet in the years ahead.”

Today, lithium- and cobalt-based batteries are in widespread use in our phones, laptops, cordless appliances, power tools, electric vehicles, and even electrical grids. However, these batteries are not a perfect solution as their base materials – lithium and cobalt – are increasingly challenging to source, difficult to recycle, and potentially flammable. Carbon-Ion is developing a new high-power storage device called Carbon-Ion or C-Ion. It is safer, faster charging, longer-lasting, does not use rare-earth materials, and is not harmful to the environment if damaged or discarded. On its own, C-Ion can provide these benefits in many products and applications. In addition, C-Ion can also improve the safety, lifetime, and performance of energy storage systems when used alongside Lithium-Ion batteries in a broad range of applications.

With respect to grid management, our product will be particularly useful for a variety of grid services. Specifically, those that require a very fast reaction time and sufficient power to stabilize the frequency, reactive power, and voltage of grid systems. Those kinds of grid management services will become increasingly important as green energy solutions come online and the dependence on fossil fuel generators is reduced.

In the critical power grid market, dynamic containment is one of a new suite of frequency response services that have been rolled out by the UK national grid in 2021. This represents an excellent example of how the move to renewable generation offers opportunities for fast-responding energy storage. Today, this dynamic containment market relies almost entirely on batteries. However, batteries simply cannot provide the amount of energy necessary in the short time required. Worse still, using batteries for this purpose reduces their usable life by 50% or more.

Significant loss of grid inertia has led to more frequency deviations and ‘brownouts’ than ever before. A range of technologies is needed to plug this gap as we move toward a grid that is fully supplied by sustainable, green energy production. Every country will require these kinds of grid support technologies as the world increases its demand for electricity, even more so for those countries that adopt a net-zero carbon footprint.

Carbon-Ion can perform several roles in grid management. It will enable better battery management and be important to other longer-term storage systems that will be needed as we move forward in the world energy transformation. It has unique qualities that allow it to perform very fast-responding power balancing which is important to control frequency and other grid management stabilization. It will absorb and release energy in short duration balancing, providing the amount of power required to keep the lights on and industry running. Its design is inherently stable and has a very long life without appreciable degradation over many charge-discharge cycles.

By upgrading the way we deliver power and energy to electric vehicles (EVs), C-Ion can help reduce the need for expensive grid reinforcement and deliver cheaper energy prices to the EV customer, much faster charging times, and better returns to the owners of charging stations. Costs can be reduced using a form of safe energy storage that smoothes out the energy needed to the hours that the local network can deliver, again without the need for expensive network reinforcement. Faster delivery of this energy and power to the EV allows more vehicles to use a single asset, therefore, giving the customer a quicker, cheaper service and the asset owner a better return.

A different form of the Carbon-Ion product could also be built into the vehicle's structure (structural energy storage), making for simpler and cheaper onboard energy storage than the complex lithium packs currently used. Carbon-Ion already has the IP necessary to create structural energy storage.

Carbon-Ion’s mission is about improving the performance and manufacturability of supercapacitors. This is achieved by using improved materials that allow for rapid assimilation and disbursement of energy, increasing energy density, and very long life spans. Carbon-Ion uses a combination of advanced carbons and ionic electrolytes. Non-flammable chemical solvents are used in the manufacturing of the electrolyte. This makes Carbon-Ion’s products very safe, non-volatile, and with improved sustainability.

Carbon-Ion will enable true power on demand. Carbon-Ion cells have unique properties that allow them to charge and discharge extremely quickly while still retaining meaningful energy storage, which enables the delivery of fast, clean power on demand. These unique Carbon-Ion cells can also deliver a powerful boost in hybrid systems, such as grid energy storage or electric aviation.

Currently, global energy systems are at the beginning of a transition to fully electric living, disrupting nearly every industry in the world. As a result, there is a critical need for better and more diverse energy storage so that industries can provide more impactful solutions to all consumers. Carbon-Ion can bridge this gap in a groundbreaking way by delivering fast, clean power on demand to a broad range of applications from infrastructure to individual products and from grid services to drones.

Carbon-Ion's speedy, reliable, and safe technology and unique material properties allow for a swift response time that adds value to the entire power system. Carbon-Ion cells have high cycle life and ramping capabilities. Furthermore, they can perform without noticeable performance degradation over hundreds of thousands charge-discharge cycles. This will create significant efficiencies in energy systems that will, in turn, save money, time, and resources.

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