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FEED Contract Awarded to SLB and Aker Carbon Capture Joint Venture by CO280 for Major Carbon Removal Initiative

Published by Todd Bush on August 4, 2024

The SLB and Aker Carbon Capture joint venture (SLB-ACC JV) today announced a contract award by its partner CO280 Solutions for front-end engineering and design (FEED) of a large-scale carbon capture plant at a pulp and paper mill on the U.S. Gulf Coast. The project, which aims to remove 800,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually, will also deliver permanent, verifiable, and affordable carbon dioxide removals (CDRs). North America’s pulp and paper industry represents a carbon removal opportunity of up to 130 million tonnes per year. By capturing and storing these emissions permanently, the industrial activity achieves negative emissions as more carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere than is being emitted from the process.

>> RELATED: SLB and Aker Carbon Capture Joint Venture Awarded FEED Contract by CO280 for Large-scale Carbon Removal Project

SLB and Aker Carbon Capture joint venture awarded FEED contract by CO280

Project Overview

“This contract represents a key milestone in our partnership with CO280 to deliver large-scale carbon capture solutions for the North American industry,” said Egil A. Fagerland, chief executive officer, SLB-ACC JV. “We look forward to continuing our collaboration with CO280 and their pulp and paper partner to prepare for a full-scale carbon capture plant through the FEED.”

The concept design for the FEED of the carbon capture plant is based on the SLB-ACC JV’s modularized Just Catch™ 400, a standardized and modular technology that enables the pre-fabrication of carbon capture units. The JV is already delivering both Just Catch™ and Big Catch™ solutions to several industrial sites in the bioenergy, cement, and waste-to-energy sectors.

Importance of Partnerships

“Partnerships are the key to removing megatons of carbon before 2030: We are proud of the partnerships we have established in both the pulp and paper industry and CDR markets and of our collaboration with the SLB-ACC JV as a key technology partner,” said Jonathan Rhone, chief executive officer, CO280. “By capturing and permanently storing biogenic CO2 at mills, we can unlock a vast carbon removal opportunity in the pulp and paper industry and scale up the CDR market.”

SLB, Aker Carbon Capture finalize carbon capture joint venture

>> Related: Aker Carbon Capture Announces Agreement to form Joint Venture with SLB

Collaboration and Future Projects

This contract follows recent announcements by the SLB-ACC JV and CO280 on their collaboration to develop large-scale CDR projects in the United States and Canada pulp and paper industries and their collaboration with Microsoft to scale the full value chain of carbon removal in the United States and Canada by capturing and permanently sequestering biogenic CO2 at pulp and paper mills.

Focus on Companies Involved

SLB and Aker Carbon Capture Joint Venture

The SLB and Aker Carbon Capture Joint Venture is dedicated to carbon removal and reduction solutions. This venture combines the strengths of two major companies in the energy sector, leveraging their technological expertise to tackle one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. SLB, a global technology company known for driving energy innovation, and Aker Carbon Capture, a leader in carbon capture technology, have come together to create scalable solutions for carbon capture and storage (CCS).

The venture’s proven modular technologies enable industries to deploy capture technology at speed and scale, meeting the requirements of tomorrow and the opportunities of today. The company is currently delivering seven carbon capture plants to bioenergy, waste-to-energy, and cement facilities. These plants utilize the Just Catch™ and Big Catch™ solutions, which are designed to be flexible and adaptable to various industrial settings. By standardizing and modularizing their technology, the SLB-ACC JV can reduce the time and cost associated with deploying carbon capture units, making it more accessible for industries to adopt CCS technology.

CO280 Solutions

CO280 Solutions is a developer of large-scale carbon removal projects. In partnership with pulp and paper companies, CO280 develops, finances, owns, and operates carbon removal projects that deliver a new standard of permanent, verifiable, and affordable CDR credits to customers in the voluntary carbon market. By working closely with industrial partners, CO280 aims to scale up the carbon removal market, providing essential solutions to meet global carbon reduction targets.

CO280’s approach focuses on capturing and permanently storing biogenic CO2 at pulp and paper mills. This method not only helps in reducing the carbon footprint of these industries but also contributes to the broader goal of achieving negative emissions. The partnership with the SLB-ACC JV is a testament to CO280’s commitment to deploying cutting-edge technology in their projects, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of the carbon removal industry.

Impact on the Pulp and Paper Industry

The North American pulp and paper industry represents a significant opportunity for carbon removal. With the potential to remove up to 130 million tonnes of carbon emissions per year, the industry can play a pivotal role in the fight against climate change. The collaboration between the SLB-ACC JV and CO280 aims to unlock this potential by implementing large-scale carbon capture projects at pulp and paper mills.

By capturing CO2 emissions from industrial processes and storing them permanently in depleted gas fields, these projects not only reduce the carbon footprint of the industry but also contribute to achieving negative emissions. This means that more carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere than is being emitted, a crucial step towards mitigating the impacts of climate change.

The FEED contract awarded to the SLB-ACC JV by CO280 marks a significant milestone in this effort. The design and implementation of the Just Catch™ 400 technology at the pulp and paper mill on the U.S. Gulf Coast will serve as a model for future projects in the industry. This project demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of large-scale carbon capture and storage solutions, paving the way for broader adoption across the sector.

Future Outlook

The award of the FEED contract to the SLB and Aker Carbon Capture Joint Venture by CO280 Solutions is a significant step forward in the effort to reduce carbon emissions in the pulp and paper industry. By leveraging the strengths and expertise of the companies involved, this project aims to set a new standard for carbon removal and storage. The successful implementation of this project will not only help achieve decarbonization targets but also demonstrate the viability of large-scale CCS solutions in industrial settings.

As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, innovative solutions like those being developed by the SLB-ACC JV and CO280 are essential. By working together and leveraging their combined expertise, these companies are paving the way for a more sustainable and carbon-neutral future.

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