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Setting New Standards: Equatic's ISO 14064-2:2019 Methodology for Carbon Removal Verification

Published by Todd Bush on May 27, 2024

Imagine this: giant vacuum cleaners sucking carbon dioxide out of the ocean, helping us fight climate change. That's the dream behind carbon dioxide removal (CDR), and it's a dream we need to make real, fast. But here's the catch: for this to work, we need a carbon market that everyone trusts. Enter Equatic, a company on a mission to clean up the oceans and the carbon market, all at once. Their secret weapon? A brand new system called ISO 14064-2:2019.

Why Transparency Matters: Setting the Stage for Change

The truth is stark: we desperately need to remove massive amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and we need to do it yesterday. But building trust in the carbon market is like building a giant sandcastle – one wrong wave and it all crumbles. This is where Equatic comes in. They're not just focused on sucking carbon out of the ocean, they're also laser-focused on keeping everything honest and transparent.

RELATED: Equatic Publishes Standard-Setting Methodology for Carbon Removal Verification with EcoEngineers and the International Organization for Standardization

carbon removal

The Power of Speaking the Same Language: Why ISO 14064-2:2019 Matters

ISO 14064-2:2019 isn't just another fancy name. It's a game-changer for CDR projects. Think of it as a universal translator for CDR speak. This system, developed by Equatic with some brainiacs from EcoEngineers and the ISO, ensures everyone's on the same page when it comes to measuring, tracking, and verifying these ocean-cleaning projects. No more confusion, just clear sailing (pun intended) towards reliable data.

Going Beyond the Basics: What Makes ISO 14064-2:2019 Special

ISO 14064-2:2019 isn't just about measuring how much carbon dioxide gets sucked out. It's like a super-sleuth, looking at everything. Imagine this: the electricity used to power the plant, the trucks delivering supplies – the methodology tracks every bit of carbon, making sure the project is truly cleaning things up.

Here's the even cooler part: ISO 14064-2:2019 tackles a sneaky villain – leakage. Picture a leaky bucket – you wouldn't want captured carbon to escape, would you? This system has a plan for that too, accounting for potential leaks from electricity use, the CO2 itself, and even physical leaks in the system.

Finally, the methodology ensures projects are truly "additional" – meaning they wouldn't be happening without this awesome technology. No greenwashing here, just real, measurable carbon removal.

what is carbon removal

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An Expert Speaks: Why ISO 14064-2:2019 is a Big Deal

Dr. Roxby Hartley, a climate risk director at EcoEngineers, helped build this system. He puts it simply: "This is a clear roadmap...making sure everything is tracked and monitored meticulously." In other words, ISO 14064-2:2019 is like a giant spotlight, shining a light on the good work happening in CDR projects, building trust in the entire industry.

The Road Ahead: Working Together for a Cleaner Future

The ISO 14064-2:2019 methodology is a huge leap forward for CDR projects. Equatic is leading the charge for transparency, and they're not afraid to ask for help. In fact, they're welcoming public comments on the system until June 10th, 2024.

By working together and focusing on accurate measurement, CDR can become a powerful weapon in our fight against climate change. The future's looking brighter, and thanks to companies like Equatic, the path towards a cleaner, cooler planet becomes a little clearer with every drop of cleaned-up ocean.

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